Mediablaster® Cabinets
By Media Blast®
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Mediablaster® Cabinets
By Media Blast®

Dry Blast Cabinets by Media Blast®

Dry Blast Cabinets by Media Blast®

Dry Blast Cabinets are an abrasive blasting category describing any containment cabinet with dry abrasive delivery. These cabinets use Airless Abrasive Delivery using J-Belts and Paddle Wheel Impellers to accelerate dry abrasives. Most people typing “Dry Blast Cabinet” into Google, are searching for a Manually Operated Dry Blasting Cabinet.

What is a Dry Blast Cabinet?

Dry Blast Cabinets are the fastest part cleaning abrasive blasting cabinets. These machines use compressed air to deliver abrasive of all different types to the surface of a part. This process removes something, typically rust, paint, and chemical coatings, while leaving still leaving the original surface intact. It can also change the surface; the way dry Shot-Peening strengthens some materials. Using different abrasives and different compressed air blasting pressures and delivery models will affect cleaning speed. 

Real World Example: Why would you repaint anything over an old painted surface without first removing the old flakey and cracked paint? And why wouldn’t you prepare a surface for Powder Coat knowing that it makes the coating adhere better?  

What Makes Dry Blast Cabinets so Great?

Most Blasting Cabinets are DRY models, probably over 90-to-95%. This is because using high frictional heat and a variety of abrasive types reduces part processing time. This maximizes return on investment and that means more profit and less labor costs. Yes, you can use too much compressed air and generate too much frictional heat using dry blast cabinets. However, if you know what you’re doing that isn’t a problem.

Dry blasting cabinets are used for a number of cool purposes including:

  • To prepare iron sole plates for Teflon adhesion
  • Expose mold cracks in glass molding facilities
  • Produce a no-finger-print-surfaces on steel and plastic parts during manufacturing 
  • Create dry lubricant surfaces to eliminate grease
  • And much more!

To Sum It Up

Dry Blast Cabinets typically range from $500.00 to $50,000.00 and are manually operated. The key to purchasing the right blasting cabinet the first time is matching your application to your Daily Duty Cycle (DDC). We can help you with that process since we are the company that created the Brand Name Media Blast® and turned our Brand Name into a Trade Name! A true Mediablaster® must be manufactured by Media Blast®.

Media Blast® makes Blasting Cabinets in every Abrasive Delivery method – WET and DRY, using Siphon – Gravity Feed – and Direct Pressure. We offer Special Models for Peening, Plastics and Soda blasting using High Efficiency Cyclone Separators both Internal for standard abrasive sizes, and External using Pneumatic Conveyors for all abrasive sizes including Ultra-Fine 25-micron Abrasives to keep the fine abrasive flowing. Give us a call if you need help finding the right machine for your specific needs.

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