Mediablaster® Cabinets
By Media Blast®
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Mediablaster® Cabinets
By Media Blast®

Blog | Media Blast & Abrasives, Inc.

What You Get with an Inexpensive Blast Cabinet

It’s a common misconception that it doesn’t take a lot to make an inexpensive blast cabinet – an enclosure with glove ports, a view window, abrasive storage hopper, lighting, and a vacuum dust collector. While this is technically true, most of the time low-cost cabinets contribute to the incorrect belief that all abrasive blasting cabinets create messy work environments. This assumption is completely incorrect.

Best Home Garage Automotive Blasting Cabinets

At Media Blast & Abrasive, we have a long history of manufacturing high-quality automotive blast cabinets. The restoration automotive market includes boats, motorcycles, quads and anything else that moves. In addition to machines designed for professional auto shops, we offer a complete line of machines specifically designed to meet the unique needs of home hobbyists, weekend warriors and semi-professional extreme athletes. Our abrasive blasters cover everything from wet or dry to siphon or pressure abrasive…

New Hurricane Econo Dustless Blasting Cabinets

Over the past several years we’ve seen more and more people requesting information about “dustless blast cabinets” or “wet abrasive blasters.” Often this is because the user is currently operating a poorly-made dry blast cabinet that often creates a large mess.

Which is Best as Abrasive Delivery for Dry Sandblasting Cabinets?

The selection of the best dry sandblasting cabinet is difficult to list directly, but it is possible in your project introduction, or application. Machines vary greatly, and the best sandblasting cabinets for blind-hole cleaning aren’t the same as the best cabinets for soda blasting. If you know which abrasive delivery is best for your application, and you know you’re in the market for a dry blast cabinet these tips may help you find the best…

What Happens After COVID-19?

There is no doubt that humanity faces unprecedented challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. In the midst of a stalled global economy, many businesses are finding they must reinvent themselves, and we know that can be daunting. Media Blast & Abrasive was founded in 1977, but really the inception for the company started much earlier than that. We have seen our share of crippling economic uncertainty and lived to tell the tale. With that in…

N95 Masks and Media Blast®

Chances are if you have never before heard of N95 masks, you have probably become aware of these high-quality masks in the last few weeks. Reports have come in from around the country that our healthcare providers are in dire need of personal protective equipment (PPE) including N95 masks which are also commonly used in construction and fabrication settings.

Precision Etch Abrasive Blasting Cabinet Spotlight

Media Blast & Abrasives’ Precision Etch Abrasive blast cabinet is one of very few one-size-fits all micro-abrasive blasting cabinets designed for industrial applications. This line of machines was designed specifically for proper control and flow of smaller amounts of abrasive (measured in pounds per minute) using all the right abrasive delivery controls. The Precision Etch also has the ability to operate every day for extended periods of time with its dust collector, large blower and…

What is the best blast cabinet for tractor truck fabrication shop?

Media Blast has been manufacturing blasting cabinets for more than 40 years and we offer a machine for nearly every abrasive blasting application. In the case of tractor truck fabrication, there are a couple of things to consider.

Sandblasted Valentine Gift Guide

Branch out from conversation hearts and flowers with our sandblasted Valentine gift guide. Each of these unique ideas incorporates sandcarving, an easy way to personalize nearly any penetrable surface. Sandcarving, also known as sandblasting, is the process used to produce that effect. It is one of the simplest and most accessible methods for personalizing or decorating glass, crystal, marble, stone and other surfaces.

Best Blasting Cabinet for a Powder Coating Shop

Question from the MBA Contact Us page: “What is the best blasting cabinet for a Powder Coating Shop? As a shop owner, I need a blast cabinet capable of removing old coatings quickly.”