Mediablaster® Cabinets
By Media Blast®
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Mediablaster® Cabinets
By Media Blast®

Blog | Media Blast & Abrasives, Inc.

Exceptional Blasting Solutions by Media Blast®

Blasting Solutions for your abrasive blasting projects quickly become clear when talking directly to the equipment manufacturer. User’s needs are discussed and questions are quickly answered. With today’s communications, and the speed of searching online, talking directly to the manufacturer is the best solution whenever possible! A History of Excellence in Blasting Solutions Media Blast & Abrasives used to advertise using printed publications, like the Yellow Pages, across the country. We also paid to be included in the Thomas…

Dry Blast Cabinets by Media Blast®

Dry Blast Cabinets are an abrasive blasting category describing any containment cabinet with dry abrasive delivery. These cabinets use Airless Abrasive Delivery using J-Belts and Paddle Wheel Impellers to accelerate dry abrasives. Most people typing “Dry Blast Cabinet” into Google, are searching for a Manually Operated Dry Blasting Cabinet. What is a Dry Blast Cabinet? Dry Blast Cabinets are the fastest part cleaning abrasive blasting cabinets. These machines use compressed air to deliver abrasive of all different…

Application Deep Dive: Sandblasting Powder Coat

Media Blast® is not a powder coating facility. But we know our machines can be used for sandblasting powder coat surfaces before they are processed. While each powder coating facility does things a bit differently, we’ll explain the benefit of sandblasting before applying powder coating.  Why bother sandblasting powder coat surfaces first? Many abrasive blasting applications today use sandblasting to prepare a surface for powder coating adhesion. Sandblasting powder coat surfaces creates a surface to…

7 Reasons to Invest in High-Quality Sandblast Equipment

High-quality sandblast equipment offers several significant benefits. Although it often costs more up front, the return on investment makes it a valuable asset for industries such as manufacturing, automotive, medical, and restoration.  7 Advantages of Buying Superior Sandblast Equipment Media Blast and Abrasives understands the importance of purchasing first-rate sandblast equipment. It’s why so many of our machines are best-in-class! Here are 7 key advantages to investing in top-of-the-line abrasive blasting cabinets: 1. Efficiency and Productivity: Excellent sandblast equipment is designed for consistency and…

Sandblasting Machine Parts with Media Blast® Cabinets

People use abrasive blasting cabinets for sandblasting machine parts in a variety of industries. Professionally manufactured cabinets, like those at Media Blast and Abrasives, offer the most controlled environment and cleanest working space. These cabinets can be used for cleaning, finishing, or preparing machine parts from a variety of industries. Anything from automotive and aerospace to the medical implant industry for just about any Body Implant part. 6 Benefits of Sandblasting Machine Parts There are a…

R&D Media Blaster Cabinets by Media Blast®

R&D media blaster cabinets are designed to accommodate abrasive blasting applications that require a large, Heavy Duty 100% welded cabinet to contain the blast. They also use a larger gun size than light duty models. These machines have dust collectors designed for more intermittent machine use to clean specific areas and not the whole surface.  What is R&D Abrasive Blasting? R&D media blasters use a high-pressure stream of abrasive material to clean, polish, or prepare a surface….

Light Duty Blaster Cabinets by Media Blast®

Light Duty blaster cabinets have lower Daily Duty Cycle (DDC), use smaller gun sizes, and are always siphon abrasive delivery. Light Duty abrasive blasting cabinets are designed for use in small shops. They are also excellent for at-home passion projects. What is Light Duty Abrasive Blasting? “Light Duty abrasive blasting cabinets are specifically designed for hand-held parts. These machine models are for lower DDC… using a smaller gun size. Understand it would take all day to process a large part resulting…

Wet Media Blaster Cabinets by Media Blast®

Wet media blaster cabinets have been around since the beginning of the abrasive blasting industry. It’s a unique method for part-processing that nearly went extinct. Thankfully the rise of medical device manufacturing brought wet blasting back into the spotlight. (Check out that fascinating story here.) What is Wet Abrasive Blasting? Wet Vapor Blasting uses pumps, mixing paddles, and even compressed air to suspend abrasive grains in water. This slurry mixture is then pumped to a siphon injector gun assembly. This…

Spooky Sandcarving with CrystalBlast®

This video from our partners at Ikonics Imaging never gets old! In this episode of their “Will it Blast?” YouTube video series, Peter and Amber showcase some seasonal spooky sandcarving with CrystalBlast® cabinets.  Did you know you can sandcarve pumpkins? This quick and easy method is a GREAT solution for those super complicated designs.  ProTip: Make sure to clean out your dust collector thoroughly if you’re blasting gourds or other organic material!

Searching for Blasting Cabinets by Machine Category

Why group blasting cabinets in Categories? To offer online searchers the opportunity to review blasting cabinets based on the intended machine use. We call machine use we call machine application.  Blasting Cabinets can be confusing because there are so many different types. Some common cabinet categories are Wet Cabinets, Light Duty, R&D, and Industrial. Beyond that, we offer Automotive, Micro, Sandcarving, and Tumblers. Many categories have different delivery models such as siphon, direct pressure and gravity feed. The Industrial category is about Daily Duty Cycle (DDC) of…